Creating Awareness About Diabetes Types

Type 2 diabetes is the most commonly occurring diabetic condition and could be diagnosed at any age. Obviously, diabetes has sown its roots deep in the Indian society and the number is expected to reach a whopping 98 million by 2030. Almost every house in India have at least one patient suffering from diabetes and though this fact needs to be checked, the stressful lifestyle has never put a stop on the rising number of diabetic cases. What an individual Thinks when Diabetes comes to his mind. In India, the person feels he will be restricted on his sugar consumption and will be put on medication which he or she has to consume throughout their lifetime. Patients in India are mostly less educated and are not aware that this chronic disease may give birth to many more new diseases. So, Let’s get an understanding of diabetes and their types. Types of diabetes Diabetes is mainly of three types which can be either Type 1, Type 2 diabetes and in certain conditions, it could be a g...