Getting an Understanding of Basics on Diabetes

Diabetes could be defined as a diseased condition wherein the blood sugar level shoots up from its normal level in the body.  Before going ahead about the topic let’s  get clarity on blood sugar level in the normal, diabetic and prediabetic patient.
Normal blood sugar levels are less than 100mg/ dl when you are fasting for more than 8 hours and should be less than 140 mg/dl, 2 hours after having a meal it is between 100mg/dl to 125mg/dl.
You are considered diabetic only when your fasting blood glucose level in two separate tests is more than 126 mg/dl.

Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes

People with Type 1 diabetes are not producing insulin and is generally seen in children. Why it occurs is not easy to understood but research says that it is generally due to an  “autoimmune reaction” which has started to destroy the beta cells (which make insulin) in the pancreas. Because of an autoimmune reaction the body attacks its own cells which as a result, the pancreas stops producing insulin.
Whereas the people with type 2 diabetes are generally in adults and they are seen to develop insulin resistance. In Type 2 diabetes the body still produces insulin, but it’s unable to use it effectively. 

What happens in diabetic individuals?

In diabetic individual suffering from Type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin production that means the body is not producing enough insulin which can convert glucose from the food we eat to get converted into energy required by the body.
Before understanding the Diabetes in detail let’s get an idea of Pancreas an important organ of our body which lies behind the lower stomach and plays a key role in regulating the sugar level in the body. The Beta cells in the pancreas also termed as islet of Langerhans is responsible for creating insulin in the body.

How can you prevent yourself from getting diabetic?

People who are on the verge of getting diabetic can put a check on basic facts which can bring back their sugar level back to normal. First of all, keep a note on few facts which are the symptoms of diabetes like you are hungrier than normal, losing weight despite eating more, you need to pee frequently or you are tired than usual condition.

Risk factors associated with diabetes

Getting an understanding of what exactly causes the insulin Here we will discuss some of the key risk factors related to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Weight:  Individuals whose have a body mass index BMI of higher than 25 are at a higher risk for developing prediabetes. Individuals who carry extra weight in their abdomen may develop diabetes in the long run. The extra fat cells which you have can cause your body to become more insulin resistant.
An absence of physical activity:  if you are adding weight but do not have any physical activity involved you’re more likely to develop prediabetes.
Family past: Diabetes has been observed as a hereditary factor in many cases and if someone in your close family had it, you are more likely to develop it as you belong to the same gene relation.
Race/ethnicity: After immense research work done it has been observed that many ethnic groups are more prone to catch diabetes much easier because of their lifestyle and include population like African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans.
Age: The age factor also plays a key role especially when you are at an age group of at risk you are for developing prediabetes. Starting from 45 the risk factor begins to rise, and after age 65 the risk progresses spontaneously.
Other health intricacies: High blood pressure, hypertension and high cholesterol also increase LDL cholesterol and thereby increases the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
Are you or someone in your family suffering from diabetes. Expecting a positive cure for the same. Take an appointment and get the best diabetes solution at Dharma Diabetic and Metabolic clinic.

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