Management and Guidance of Diabetes Mellitus

Human lifestyle has been changing very rapidly which has led to the birth of immense activities making us lose our good health and adding the diseased condition in life. Out of varied condition which critically affects the human health diabetes mellitus is one of the fastest growing diseased condition today.

Diabetes mellitus- A disease which affects the body and uses up the entire blood sugar or glucose from your body. In other states, it fails to break down the glucose formed within the blood.
Glucose is the vital source of the body and the road to the source of energy for the cells. It further helps in building up muscles and tissues. Diabetes Specialist in Delhi can help you if you are suffering from diabetes and plan out the best treatment plan for you. 

Symptoms of Diabetes 

Diabetes symptoms may vary depending on how much your blood sugar is elevated or has fallen off. For some, especially those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, may not experience symptoms initially but in type 1 diabetes, symptoms tend to come on quickly and is more severe. Some of the signs and symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are:

  • Thirst increases
  • Urination increases frequently 
  • Hunger gets extreme 
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • The ketone elements are found in the urine.  
  • Continuous fatigue
  • Irritability of the bowel
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing of sores
  • Frequent infections, such as gums or skin infections and vaginal infections. 

When once, you are thorough with symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus, you need to know the type which affects you. Let’s look into various types of Diabetes:

  • Type 1 diabetes: is an autoimmune condition, caused by the body attacking its own pancreas with antibodies & such damaged pancreas doesn't make insulin.
  • Type 2 diabetes: is associated with hereditary factors and lifestyle risk factors, could be able to manage their condition through lifestyle changes also medications or insulin replacement may be required to control blood sugar levels.
  • Gestational diabetes: occurs during pregnancy and disappears once the baby is born but a woman with a history of gestational diabetes increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

When to see the Doctor.

For primary treatment and initial care, you need a Diabetes specialist.

  1. If you find it difficult in curing yourself or unable to get a treatment, you could see a specialist.
  2. In case you cannot find the right educational material and are unable to manage your diabetes, then you might need to see a specialist.
  3. Diabetes typically causes problems with the eyes, kidney, and nerves. In addition, it can cause deformity and open sores on the feet. If you find no relief from these symptoms, do see a specialist in this case.
  4. At times, conventional treatment does not work then, you need to see a Specialist and diabetes care team who would use a wide range of treatments to help you with difficult-to-control diabetes.
  5. In Type 1 diabetes when you take opt for synthetic insulin three or more injections a day or use an insulin pump. The more complex your diabetes treatments become, the harder they are to manage. Seeing a specialist will ensure you are receiving the best recommendations for managing your treatment.

When you are through with all the signs and symptoms, it’s necessary for you to consult the Diabetes Specialist in Delhi. Some of you might get affected at a young age, some at mid-age and some either due to pregnancy or through sedentary lifestyle. If the ailments do not get cured in time, it can affect heart, kidney, liver, lungs and even brain in severe cases. 


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