Type 2 Diabetes And It’s Associated Complications

Different types of diabetes can be caused by many different types of health complications. Type 2 diabetes is one of the progressive types of disorder, which is caused by reducing insulin sensitivity. Anyone can be vulnerable to this type. The most common risk factors are 45+ years old; Overweight; Family history; Sedentary lifestyle; Blood pressure or cholesterol problem. Some of these factors put you at risk of getting diabetes, the silent killer. Among all type of diseases, diabetes it is known as a silent killer due to its subtle occurrence, progressive nature, and dire consequences. Diabetes leads to poor metabolic control. But it can lead to several health complications like heart diseases, kidney failure, blindness, etc. Therefore, most pre-type-diabetics and people, who are vulnerable to the above risk factors, must attempt to lower the risk of this type of diabetes. Let's explore this article to discover the reasons for the prevention and actionable steps for prevention.

Why Lower The Risk Of Diabetes?

Different types of diabetes have one thing in common. They cannot be cured. They can be managed with proper medication. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes, once diagnosed, will have to be managed for the rest of the life. Non-adherence to the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes has some serious complications. For example, a delayed or insufficient meal or excessive exercise can lower the blood sugar and cause to loss of consciousness, seizures or diabetic coma. All types of diabetes have dire consequences. Therefore, there is an effort made to lower the risk of diabetes is a worthwhile life goal.

Family History And Associated Risk Of Diabetes

You cannot control age or family history. You may have to accept the fact that these kinds of risk factors will remain applicable. But you can make an effort to maintain your weight in a healthy range. Consult with a doctor while setting weight-loss goals for diabetes. There is evidence to suggest that 5 to 7% of weight loss can lower the risk of diabetes. Here is what you can do at any age. Get active and start some form of aerobic exercise. Daily 30-minute exercise will make a considerable difference. Eating healthy foods can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, especially if you avoid high-fat or high-carb diet. So, cut down salt, fat, and sugar for sustainable results. Start with a high and rich fiber diet to improve better control over blood sugar levels. But fiber can lower the weight and risk of heart diseases too. It's a win-win. Keep a proper track and proper journal to monitor your weight and daily calorie intake. Maintain the schedule of eating and exercising. Consistency is a vital factor. Visit a doctor. Doctors will help you understand more in all types of diabetes and their impact on the body. Adhering to these factors will lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Meet Dr. Mudit Sabharwal, the top-notch diabetologist in Delhi. He can effectively guide his patients for all of his treatment and care.

Content Source : https://dharmadiabetesclinic.wordpress.com/2020/01/24/type-2-diabetes-and-its-associated-complications/


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