Understanding The Relationship Between Pancreas And Diabetes Disorder

A direct relationship exists between the pancreas and diabetes. The pancreas is an organ buried in the abdomen behind the stomach. It’s a vital part of the digestive system. The pancreas generates enzymes and hormones that help to digest the food. One of the most critical hormones is insulin and it is necessary to regulate glucose. If not functioning properly it may end up into a diabetic disorder.
Glucose refers to sugars in the body and each cell in the body needs glucose for energy. If you are thinking of insulin as a lock to the cell insulin should get the way to the cell to allow it to use glucose for energy.

How Pancreas Functioning Is Responsible For Diabetic Disorder?

When the pancreas stops making enough insulin or is not able to make good use of it, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, leaving the cells starving for energy. Excessive glucose builds up in the bloodstream and it is known as hyperglycemia. The indications of hyperglycemia involve thirst, nausea, and shortness of breath whereas when there is low glucose, it is known as hypoglycemia, and it’s marked by symptoms such as shakiness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Both the condition i.e. hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can suddenly become life-threatening.

Types Of Diabetic Disorder

Individually each type of diabetes involves the pancreas not working properly. How the pancreas doesn’t function correctly differs depending on the type of diabetes. Let it be any type of diabetes one has it requires continuous monitoring of blood glucose levels so that relevant action could be taken.

Type 1 Diabetes

When it comes to Type 1 diabetes the immune system erroneously attacks the beta cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. This leads to permanent damage leaving the pancreas unable to produce insulin.
Exactly what initiates the immune system to do that isn’t clear. Genetic and other natural factors play a role and you’re more likely to develop type 1 diabetes if you have a family history of the disease. It has been observed that around 5 percent of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes and usually receive a diagnosis during childhood or early adulthood. The exact cause isn’t clear, type 1 diabetes isn’t curable and anyone with type 1 diabetes needs insulin therapy to live because their pancreas doesn’t function at all.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes commences with insulin opposition. which implies that the body no longer manages insulin well, so the blood glucose levels can grow too high or too low. This can also indicate that the pancreas is still generating insulin, but it’s just not sufficient to fulfill the job. On many occasion, type 2 diabetes happens due to a sequence of insulin deficiency and inefficient use of insulin.
This type of diabetes may also have a genetic or environmental cause. Other circumstances that may contribute to type 2 diabetes include a poor diet, a lack of exercise, and obesity. Treatment for type 2 diabetes usually includes modifications to the diet and activity cycles. Medicines help to keep type 2 diabetes under control and some of the medications assist to decrease the amount of glucose in the blood. There are some other medications which arouse the pancreas to produce more insulin.


Prediabetes means the blood glucose levels are outside of the standard range, but not great enough for you to have diabetes. This could occur if the pancreas is reducing the production of insulin or the body isn’t utilizing insulin as well as it should. However, one can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by changing the diet, maintaining weight, and exercising routinely.


Pancreatitis and type 2 diabetes share some of the same risk factors so one must know deeply about the diabetes disorder and how it can impact functioning of pancreas. The best way to get this vital knowledge is by meeting the best diabetologist in Delhi Dr Mudit Sabharwal.

Content Source : https://www.dharmadiabetesclinics.com/blog/understanding-the-relationship-between-pancreas-and-diabetes-disorder/


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