The Gastro Intestinal Reflux Disease & Its Association With Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most complicated conditions of the body. It can influence the body immensely and many organs of the body. The major complexities occur when diabetes begins attacking the GI system. If you have diabetes and acid reflux, also called GERD, and you take medication to reduce acid there are some things you should know. There are a number of additional health risks that lead to GERD. There are certain medications used in the long term which cause GERD in people. In addition to that, there are quite a good number of probabilities that you could control GERD with the right diet and nutrition differences.

Medications Affecting Diabetes:

GERD is also recognized as acid reflux. There are certain medications that could create problems related to gastric disorders in a diabetic patient. Magnesium Deficiency needs a strong association between low magnesium and insulin resistance, the main problem of type 2 diabetes. The FDA earlier this year published knowledge about how taking these medicines for longer than a year can cause low magnesium, which can lead to leg spasms, heart arrhythmias, and seizures.

Pneumonia is a condition where the lungs get filled up with fluid. If you have diabetes and get pneumonia it may be more severe with greater risk of complications, and your body may take longer to heal.

C-diff or in other words is termed Clostridium Difficile. It is the bacteria that cause severe diarrhea and inflammation in the colon. Dehydration is the biggest risk with diarrhea and diabetes, and if you have high blood sugars you can become dehydrated much quicker.

Osteoporosis or Bone Fractures people with diabetes may also have low vitamin D levels or are required to take Actos, both of which may increase the risk of bone fractures.

The Vitamin deficiencies such as B12:. There are many people with diabetes who take Metformin are also at risk for low B12 levels.

Bacterial Imbalance leading to major Digestive Problems:  People who have had diabetes for many years can have slow digestion due to nerve damage. Keeping a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria is important for the immune system, assimilating nutrients and avoiding diarrhea and constipation.

Medications For Acid Reflux:

What you can do if you have to take medication for acid reflux. Eating healthy food and whole food items for immune strength and including nuts in your diet are the best food source for magnesium. Eating yogurt on a daily basis helps to replenish good bacteria or take a probiotic supplement.

Also, you should ask your doctor if B12 and D levels have been checked. Ask the doctor about trying to get off the acid reflux medications. These medications are really only meant to be taken for a short time of a few weeks but most people just stay on them. It is not recommended going off the medication until you have made nutrition changes and are discussing changes with your doctor. GERD may be unrelated to acid in the stomach. Some indication suggests that the heartburn symptoms of reflux are not induced by the acid in stomach burning the esophagus, but rather by an immune response.

Reference Box:

You can meet Dr. Mudit Sabharwal for your treatment as he is the best Diabetes doctor in Delhi


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