The New Tradition Of Good Health Is Good Nutrition

Nutrition, nourishment, or ailment, are different terms used to define food required by people to stay alive and a dietician helps people make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle in both health and disease.

Nutrition relates to nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, etc.  It incorporates food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism, and excretion.

The food we intake mostly is defined by its availability and palatability. A healthy diet involves the preparation and storage of food and methods that preserve nutrients from oxidation, heat or leaching, and that reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses.

When Nutrition gets Deficient?

There are a number of risk factor which may lead to death as most of the world has shifted to Non-communicable cardiovascular diseases but malnutrition still resides as the most common causes of mortality rate in many underdeveloped and developing countries.

Deficiency of nutrition leads to Malnutrition. Malnutrition is the root of multiple diseases and allergies and its effects can be invisible but profound. As we know proteins and carbohydrates are main bodybuilding elements and their deficiency can be very critical.

Micronutrients i.e. Vitamins and minerals are needed in very small quantities, but their deficiency cause critical health issues. The main cause of malnutrition is obviously hunger and less availability of nutritious food.

When these vital element resources are depleted, the body functioning shifts impaired. The affected areas vary depending upon the nature of inadequate element although the most affected part is Brain in most of the cases. Hence the issue of inadequacy of elements becomes crucial in the case of children and adolescents where brain development is in an ongoing stage.

Some of the Possible Causes of malnutrition:

Low intake of food: May be caused by symptoms of an illness, difficulty to swallow. Badly fitting dentures may contribute lead to inappropriate chewing of food.
Mental health problems: Depression, dementia, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa etc. can lead to malnutrition.

Social and mobility problems: People who aren’t able to buy food or find difficulty in mobilizing, face difficulty in getting the required food for their nutrition.
Digestive disorders and stomach conditions: If the body does not absorb nutrients efficiently, even a healthful diet may not prevent malnutrition.

Alcoholism: Alcohol addiction can lead to gastritis or damage to the pancreas. These can make it hard to digest food, absorb certain vitamins, and produce hormones that regulate metabolism.

Lack of breastfeeding: None to Little breastfeeding, can lead to malnutrition in infants and children. The immune system of infants gets weak, leading to more invading of harmful bacteria, etc.

What could be a treatment for Malnutrition?

Treatment for malnutrition depends upon the type of deficiency a person is suffering from. One can be treated at the hospital, home. The critical the condition of an individual is, the treatment is provided in accordance.  In some cases, hospital admission will be necessary. You can consult one of the best Nutrition clinics in Delhi run under the supervision of Mrs. Vijaylakshmi Bhaskar. He and his team can provide you complete treatment for nutrition deficiency.


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