The Integral role of Hormones in treating High blood sugar levels in Diabetic Population

Hormones have a significant role in controlling blood sugar levels glucagon and insulin. These two hormones are antagonistic to each other. The hormonal level is very vital as it decides on what is your blood sugar levels and also the brain constantly monitors these blood sugar levels.
When blood sugar is low, the hormone glucagon will tell your body storage sites (primarily liver) to start releasing the glucose into the bloodstream and an injection of the glucagon hormone is injected when the level falls.
The result is that the storage of glucose stops production of fat and sugar is released into the bloodstream. Insulin is released into the body to pump up sugar in the tissues. Insulin levels indicate when there are balanced sugar levels or when has the sugar level exceeded in the body, also inhibits the liver cells from making glucose.

What causes push up in Blood Sugar:

There is no specific reason for the cause of diabetes. Several types of diabetes can lead to high blood sugar. Let’s first discuss type 1 diabetes. In this, the immune system starts attacking its pancreatic cells, which are made to secrete insulin.
Usually when the body lacks production of insulin and there is a blood sugar levels rise. People with type 1 diabetes must regularly take insulin dosage through a needle, pen, or insulin pump to keep blood sugar levels under control.
In type 2 diabetes, the body produces insulin but is unable to use it properly. The pancreas tries to make more insulin but often cannot make enough to keep blood sugar levels under control. People with type 2 diabetes need to take insulin, pills or take diet or exercise changes to help control blood sugar levels.
Gestational diabetes occurs when there is insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels appear during pregnancy. One should keep a constant check on the diabetes level, as it can lead to complications for the mother and the baby. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after delivery.

Useful Tips on how to control blood sugar levels:

One of the main challenges in managing diabetes is to keep blood sugar levels as normal as possible, with some large fluctuations, which can prevent the disease contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease, also harm the eyes, nerves, kidneys and blood vessels.
When you eat food, your body breaks down the task of the food used for energy. Carbohydrates get broken down into glucose (sugar), which are then placed in the cell body through the bloodstream. This level of glucose in the blood may result into diabetes.

Managing Blood Sugar levels

Regular Exercise: It helps the body break down sugar. Another benefit of controlling blood sugar is to lose weight through exercise. Monitor cholesterol levels. This is yet another factor that should be taken care with the amount of sugar in the blood. Alcohol should be reduced. Alcohol is a significant amount of carbohydrates and calories, the sugar in the blood may shoot up. Diet must contain fiber. Foods like nuts, olive oil contains should be regular. Vegetables and Fruits are highly recommended. Avoid foods that are high fatty and fatty dairy products. The individual must be checked for sugar consumption. Avoid foods that are high in sugar content. Product labels must be checked before the purchase of its components. Keep a regular check of your blood sugar levels. Get it tested periodically and maintain their level. Anxiety and Stress must be avoided. Relaxation exercises and deep breathing can reduce stress significantly.

Resource Box:

Controlling high blood sugar is a complex task until not taken care of. You can get the help from one of the best diabetologists in Delhi, Dr. Mudit Sabharwal. He can help you step by step in treating and controlling your diabetes.


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