The Stats and Facts about diabetes

According to the World health Organization there were around 70 million people found diabetic in India in 2015 and the rising stats predicts that around 98 million people will be encompassed under this disease by 2030. Looking at the rising toll of diabetic patient the world health Organization also believes that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death by 2030.

First get checked whether you have diabetes or not?

If you are not aware that you are prediabetic or diabetic patients go for a simple blood sugar test which does not ask for a medical prescription. Once you have undergone an Oral Glucose Tolerance test (OGT) which includes impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG)test as well as Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) you can be sure whether you are diabetic or not.
Looking at increasing prevalence of diabetes across the country, it has been analyzed that people above 60 years of age have a higher risk of diabetes, while the risk factor between 30 to 50 years is found out to be moderate in nature.

Genetics & Lifestyle impacting diabetes

When we talk about the causes of diabetes it’s becoming very specific that one of the facts is the genetic origin and the other is the rapid urbanization and the associated changes in the lifestyle. The American diabetic association has also claimed that genetics play a key role in development of diabetes along with the environmental factor.
Lifestyle again has a strong influence in development of type 2 diabetes and if you observe the family which has more than two to three diabetic members you might observe that obesity runs in the family and the members in the family will have the same eating and exercise habits.
A rich lifestyle actually makes you more lethargic and in many cases, you just look at the comfort label you need and do not want to strain your body at all. If we start analyzing all the states in India the wealthy states rank have the highest prevalence of the disease starting from Punjab , Tamil Nadu and Kerala where the GDP growth development plan has been recorded as 1.3 lakh, 1.6 lakh and 1.4 lakh respectively. All these states have highest diabetic patient list and other associated diseases like cardiovascular disease, obesity and high blood pressure.

How can you check Diabetes with Exercise?

Exercise is surprisingly good for people with type 2 diabetes. It maintains control of blood sugar levels, boosts energy levels, raises heart health, and promotes emotional well-being. If you no other medical complications associated with Diabetes, exercising could be the key to keep a check and have better overall health and well-being.
By exercising the insulin sensitivity is enhanced. This suggests that your beta cells are better able to use free insulin to consume sugar from the bloodstream to be used as energy for your body. Secondly, exercise arouses an extra mechanism that enables the muscles to absorb and use sugar for stamina, even without insulin.

Mixed advice to stay slim and fit.

By exercising you actually lose weight thereby checking your obesity and though you follow a healthy lifestyle you can still remain fit and fine because by exercising you burn a lot of calories. Coming on to diet choose whole grain and whole grain products as compared to highly processed carbohydrates. Stop intake of sugary drinks and instead choose water and coffee. Limit red meat and processed meat
If you or your loved ones are getting acquainted to rich lifestyle get them back to do exercise to keep a check on Blood sugar level. If still not under control visit Dr. Mudit a renowned diabetologist in Delhi for some more experienced advice and your blood sugar test.

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