Getting you back on Feet with best Foot care

Diabetes can be fatal for your feet and even a little cut can produce severe consequences. In many of the instances, diabetes has led to nerve damage that takes away the feeling in your feet. The diabetic condition may also reduce blood flow to the feet making it difficult to heal a damage or combat infection. There may be a loss of sensation and you might not notice a foreign object in your shoe. As a consequence, the individual could also develop a blister or a sore. Further such injury could lead to an infection or a wound which can’t be healed leading to risk for an amputation.

Some daily precaution for foot care

If you take care of your foot on a daily basis it can help you a lot. Inspection of your feet is quite important as you can check the tops, sides, soles, heels and the area in between the toes. In a situation when you are not able to view your feet physically you can use a mirror or ask for help. In the case of soreness, redness, cuts or blisters contact your doctor immediately.

Wash your feet

Those who wash their feet on a daily basis with warm water with mild soap can enjoy good skin whereas hot water and harsh soaps can damage the skin quite easily. You can check the water temperature with your own fingers before putting your feet in. This is because diabetes may not allow you to sense the water temperature with your feet.

Dry Your Feet

There are many instances wherein you have wet feet but if you are diabetic make sure you should pat your feet to get dried. Dry your feet because the infection tends to develop in moist areas, so always have dry areas between toes.

Use a moisturizer for skin

Those who have very dry skin If the skin on your feet feels rough or dry, use lotion or oil. Do not use lotion between your toes. Because of Diabetic nerve damage which causes poor circulation there is also a decreased function of the moisturizing glands in the feet. Starting from dry winter heat which can initiate from a fire, electric space heater or a car heater blowing on your feet. This may ultimately can make dryness worse and lead to skin breakdown.
Be on the lookout for red, shiny areas when you perform your daily foot inspection. Ask your doctor or podiatrist to recommend a good moisturizer for diabetic foot care. Use this moisturizer after bathing your feet every day but avoid leaving too much between your toes.

Keep a check on your blood sugar

Managing your diabetes or keeping it under control is one of the most critical aspects of diabetic foot care. The feet as we all know absorbs much of body weight and cyclic wear and damage of the body. By controlling your blood sugar & by maintaining doctor suggested diet, exercising regularly and avoiding to smoke you can take care of your feet.

When to approach a doctor

You should go for a comprehensive foot exam at least annually once when you have a foot problem and you are diabetic. You should take off your socks while you wait for your physical examination because there may be a medical condition when you have cuts or breaks in the skin or have an ingrown nail. All these facts need to be reported to your doctor.
Certain events wherein your foot changes colour, shape, or becomes less sensitive or hurts also needs to be reported. Because people with diabetes are more prone to foot problems, a foot care specialist may be on your health care.


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